Sueños. Fotomontajes de Grete Stern. Serie completa Edición de la obra impresa en la revista Idilio (1948-1951)

This publication reproduces the complete photo montage collection made in the late 40s by the prestigious German-Argentine photographer for the “El psicoanálisis le ayudará” section directed by Gino Germani and Enrique Butelman for Idilio magazine. Full texts of the interpretations and comments by Gino Germani that accompanied the photo montage by Grete Stern on said magazine are also included.

The creativity and fantasy of these works is evidenced in the vanguardist mark left by Grete Stern, as well as her expertise as a photographer and a photo montage artist.

Her work forms part of a heritage of important private and museum collections worldwide.

Texts by Luis Priamo, Hugo Vezzetti, Gino Germani, and Matteo Goretti.

Fundación CEPPA
Luis Priamo
2012 (2nd edition)
162 p
26 x 21 cm